Cainallo - Rifugio Bietti (Refuge Bietti)

General Notes:

Altitude Difference: +345 - 130 m

Time: 1h e 30'

Phisical Effort: Basso

Difficulty: E


The start of the route is located at the Vo of Moncodeno (1430 m.a.s.l.), a small plain located just above Cainallo, to reach it we must climb from Varenna to Esino Lario along the Agueglio pass, once pass through Esino and after about 2km from the village, we will find the signs for Cainallo that will make us turn on right, always following a wide road.

Once in Cainallo, from the junction are about 2km, we will continue along the road to the Vo of Moncodeno, the road will become dirt in the last 50 meters, where at its end we will find a large parking lot where we can leave our cars.


Once we are ready for our trek,we will have to climb for about 100m along a meadow where we will find on our right the signs with signs for Rifugio Bogani Brioschi,Rifugio Bietti Brioschi,Monte Croce.


The path will immediately enter a beech forest, where we will turn the path will split, we will follow the path that goes up to the left along rocky boulders,while the path that goes up to Monte Croce on the right.


The path now goes up between continuous ups and downs undemanding for about 20',until we find a junction for the Bietti Hut(nr24) and the Ridge of Piancaformia that will make us turn right,the path becomes much steeper but it is only for a 50 meters up to the Bocchetta di Prada,where we will cross the path that descends from Monte Croce,the landscape opens up considerably the woods that had accompanied us so far give way to immense meadows,we keeping the left will arrive in a moment meet the bivouac 89th brigade.







Proceeding straight on the route, we will start perhaps the most fascinating part of the route,first a climb,however not high slope and difficulty will take us to the famous Porta di Prada.



From here the path is a continuous up and down, with some stretches of flat that allow us to cut the ridges of the mountain, we will meet during the route the deviation for the ridge of Piancaformia.



After the junction the path descends with greater vigor for about 5 minutes and then resume climbing up to a fork with an old wooden gate,the arrival at the refuge is now close,we can already see it in the distance and the path path that we still have to face.


In about 10' we reach the refuge where we can admire a fantastic view to say the least.


