Forcella d'Olino - Rifugio Azzoni (Refuge Azzoni)

General Notes:

Altitude Difference: 750 m

Time:3 h

Phisical Effort: Medium



The start of the path is located at the Forcella di Olino, to reach it we have to following the old road to Ballabio and take the road to Morterone, a road not too wide that goes up with many hairpin bends.

You will follow the road till a tunnel, where the road goes down to Morterone, this is the Forcella di Olino and before and after the tunnel we can find a huge parking where leave our car.

The path starts right before the gallery with a beautiful sign indicating the way to the Resegone.


nitially the path is not very wide, climbs in the middle of beech and chestnut trees for about 300m, after which it flattens and runs along the coast of the mountain.

We meet near a hut the path that goes up from Morterone, where we will turn on right and follow the trail signs with number 16.

The route is not hard indeed, it has accentuated slopes, however the length is very high, there are flat stretches at times with ups and downs.


During this stretch of path we also meet sections where we leave the woods and pass near some hunting huts,in these moments it is already possible to see our goal and the cross of the resegone.


After a succession of flat stretches to others of ascent,we will find some signs indicating the location of the Forbesette as well as the intersection with other paths that go up from Morterone.


Before reaching the resort of Forbesette,the path along some rocky "slabs", when we reach the resort we will find some benches to rest.



Keeping the left we will continue to follow our flat path, we will find a first indication for the Azzoni refuge that we will not have to follow after even 50m we will find a second path that is divided into two parts,taking the one on the right we will climb towards the refuge.



The path climbs initially with slight slopes, only after meeting the path that goes up from Brumano, the slopes will increase but only for a few meters,in fact we will find a new flat stretch before starting the final climb.


The path in the last part before reaching the refuge has high slopes going up thanks to a continuous series of hairpin bends,the routes of ascent are multiple and the simplest consists in keeping the left with respect to the refuge,which with a continuous series of hairpin bends leads us up to a small vent.


Once reached the bocchetta we will turn right along the last meters before the refuge,in this stretch we may have to help with our hands to facilitate our climb on some rocks,but from the bocchetta the meters to go uphill are very few,after the small rocky "jump", the path becomes flat until you get to the refuge.

