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Il piacere della montagna is an italian website that want to create an interactive guide for mountain's lover. In this site you can find all the refuges, peaks of the Alps and Apennines with a full description and photo of all the trails to reach them, moreover you will find a list of trails that can be done with the mountain bike (Enduro, All mountain, XC trail) and also a list of ski touring routes, we hope you enjoy our work.


Made in Italy?

As Italian we want to advertise all italian brand for mountain product that produce in Italy and not in Far East Countries .




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For any information and query please contact us at the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. we will asnwer you at soon as possibile

Latest Review

All'acqua - Capanna, Hütte, Piansecco Alpe di Cruino - Capanna, Hütte, Corno-Gries

In the marvelous Bedretto's valley, from the pass that conduct to the Nufenen Pass, the the beautiful Capanna,hütte, hut, Pianesecco; an easy trip, suitable for family with kids.

One of the most famous Hütte in Canton Ticino, easy to reach and perfect for family with kids (Kinder), an easy trail that start from the Nufenen Pass.

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Zernez - Chamanna, Hütte, Cluozza Sestri Levante - Moneglia

A trails, inside the Switzerland National Park, from the little Town of Zernez in Engadin to the Hütte, Chamanna, Cluozza. A trail with beautiful landscape and view.

The 23° stage of Sentiero Liguria (Liguria Trail) from Sestri Levante, Baia del silenzio, to Moneglia, one of the most beautiful stage in the Levante's Riviera.

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Latest MTB Trails

Bolli Rossi

Un percorso per Enduro e All Mountain lungo la Dorsale Lariana, salita alla Colma di Sormano e poi all'Alpe Spessola dove inizia la discesa.

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Val Minor - Val Fain

Un itinerario a cavallo tra Svizzera ed Italia che ci condurrà lungo le Val Minor e la Val Fain, un percorso non adatto alle Ebike, ma solo alle bici muscolari e a chi non soffre di vertigini.

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Foppettas Trail

Un trail studiato appositamente per la MTB nel cuore di Sankt Moritz, un percorso adatto dai principianti sino ai più esperti, da concatenare con altri percorsi.

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Poschiavino Trail

Un bellissimo percorso che scende dal passo del Bernina, un sentiero bellissimo con tratti tecnici ed altri molto più veloci e semplici immersi nella natura.

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